Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MORE Free Blockbuster Codes!! EXPIRE 10/31

These codes expire October 31 and are valid on the $1 dvd rentals:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chick-fil-A Freebie!!

Compliments of  one of my fave sites!  Click HERE to enter to win!

Chick-Fil-A Coupon Package Giveaway

We are excited to partner up with Chick-Fil-A this week for our latest giveaway. Five lucky winners will receive a five-pack of free coupons for Chick-Fil-A product. Included in the coupon package are one free coupon for a Chicken Biscuit, Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Chicken Sandwich Meal, a Peach Milkshake and their new Multi Grain Oatmeal.

Chick-fil-A is a privately held and family owned fast food restaurant that created its first Chick-fil-A boneless breast of chicken sandwich in 1946. Chick-fil-A, Inc. was founded in the early 1960s and opened its first Chick-fil-A Restaurant at a mall in suburban Atlanta in 1967. Since then, Chick-fil-A has steadily grown to become the second largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain in the United States.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Enter code: 43HLG7X -it expires September 11 and is valid on the $1 dvd rentals.
Update-Here are 7 more codes that expire on September 9:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blockbuster Express is offering 3 free DVD rentals until 08/29/11
Here are the three codes you can use
GORACETRAC -this one expires 8/31

Compliments of  Absolute Portal Daily Newsletter

Monday, August 8, 2011

3 Years....

Mother's Day a few years before Mama died

My Graduation (Masters) 12/06

BEAUTIFUL Lady on her 50th Renewal

Love the laughter!  They were like teenagers!  So much in love!!
It's hard to believe today is 3rd anniversary of when Mama was called home to Heaven.  There were nothing but tears here on earth compared to all of the smiles and shrieks of happiness in Heaven when Mama was reunited with Daddy....and her Mom & Dad.  Dang on, I miss her so much.  

I believe there are angels among us...sent down to us...from somewhere up above.  They come to you and our darkest hour.  To show us how to teach us how to give.  To guide us with the light of love.

In Loving Memory....Lucille Avis Little LaFrance   2/17/1965-8/8/2008

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Furry Babies

I figured it is time for you to see the loves of my life!  These have got to be the most spoiled babies in the world!  Ask my MIL and she will agree!  lol 

My Hendrix aka Mommy's shadow

My Lovebug and Soulmate, Elvis

Elvis...I miss him so much!

Lisa-Marie & Elvis :)

My Presley


Lisa-Marie posing

Hendrix as a baby!

What, mom??

Friday, July 15, 2011

Waiting & Homemade...ADD anyone?? lol

I hate waiting!  Patience are NOT one of my strong points!  I wish my hubby would have had his surgery a month ago and we were doing the learning the new life thing already!  But...if it would have been last month, then I would have wished for the month before!  Surgery is Monday, MIL is coming in Sunday, all if right with the world.  I just KNOW what life has in store for him!  For the past 6 months, he has not been a very happy guy.  So, Monday will be the first day in changing that forever!  :)

Now that I have that done!  I'm thinking that when hubby is home from the hospital, I'm going to start the eating from the pantry thing again. While his on the couch hanging and watching movies with his mom next week, I'm going to inventory.  I may get up nerve to post my inventory.  Heck, not a lot of people read my blog so why should I care!?  lol

One more thing I gotta post is a pic of my first batch of homemade pasta.  Now if someone would have told me a month ago that I would be making homemade pasta, I would have laughed my tail off at them!  Well, thanks to a fellow blogger, J, who wrote a cookbook and is selling the online version, I have lots of easy, homemade, (even vegan) stuff!  The plate below is my dinner from that night.  Hubby LOVED it!  My niece was so inspired she made some herself!  :)  Let me know if you want the recipe.

Big Ole' Bowl of Pasta w/ Cheese Sauce!

My HM pasta, fresh, sauteed corn, and filet migeon!  Yum!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Wow...its been a long time!  Life has been CRAZY busy!  I am hoping that next week while I am home while hubby is healing from surgery that I will be able to post a good, long blog!  I have been jotting down notes and stuff each time I think about it so I don't forget!

Good news is Old Navy has been having AWESOME sales online and in store.  Check them out!  I have gotten shirts for $3 each and stuff like that!  I cleaned out around 10 trashbags full of clothes from my closet  (several still w/ tags) and still have plenty of clothes right now!  I've dropped quite a few pounds so the old stuff was little rough!  Oh, Walmart has their clearance clothing marked down to $1 and $3!!  I stocked up on tanks and a couple of cute, knit tops.

I am in the process of canning about 40lbs of tomatoes!  Come this winter, I will be glad I did.  I have also frozen a BUTTLOAD of veggies and berries.  I have made lots of freezer jam and regular jam for my first time.  It's not bad!  I like the Blueberry on my homemade white bread.  I'll have to post a few pics!  I'm little Ms. Suzy Homemaker!!  LOL

Anyway, I'll be back soon!  In the meantime, please send good thoughts and/or prayers my hubby's way.  I know his surgery will go smoothly but some added insurance never hurts!

Keep on Keeping On!
Strawberry Jam - before going into jars

Blueberries picked from Smith's Nursery - before they were jam!

My very first loaf of homemade bread - YUMM!

TOTALLY worth the little effort!!

Strawberry Freezer Jam

Homemade Granola Bars

My Granola Bars that are QUITE tasty!

Peanut Butter and Jelly Bread - ummm...Hello!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


These codes are good through July 8.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

GOOD Deal Alert!

BJ's has HUGE bottles of Aussie Moist Shampoo for $2.90 each!!!


All 3 of your biggie haircare companies are offering coupons for full size products!  Go to Facebook and like the following companies to receive your coupon via US Mail:

Herbal Essence

Those are awesome freebies!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

FREEBIE: FREE Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Pin*****  FREE Breast Cancer Awareness Pin @  Click on the orange link and get your free...even free shipping! 

Friday, June 17, 2011

MORE Free Blockbuster Codes!!

Use Codes: 79JBHS3, 56BACC9, 81RRAP4, 92ASJA3, 76MLBJ3, 63AEMR3 and 28CMEA7. Codes are good through 6/20/11

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The following codes are for the Blockbuster Kiosk and expire June 17th.   So, get to watching these FREE movies!



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

GROUPON...Oh, What a deal!

So, GROUPON is offering a killer deal for my favorite restaurant.  You have a choice of 2 deals at BYB: 
For $12, you get $25 worth of dine-in barbecue fare. OR For $29, you get a $59 party platter of barbecue fare.
This place is amazing.  Click HERE for all of the details!  The hand-cut fries are a MUST and we highly recommend the Critical Violation.  :)

Oink, Oink!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

CUTE Flipflops CHEAP!!!

Below is a copy and past of my recipe for Coldwater Creek.  Yep, flip flops for 3 bucks!!  AND they're CUTE!!
Ombré flip-flops

Your credit card will be charged for items when they are shipped. If any items you selected are on backorder, your credit card will be charged at the time they ship to you.

If you have any questions about your order, please call 800-510-2808. Our customer service representatives are here to help you daily from 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. Eastern time. Thank you for shopping with us.

Order Total
Total Merchandise:
Offer Discount:
Total Delivery:
Total Taxes:

Order Total:
Credit Card 3495:

Order Balance:

Need some cheap cute flip flops? Head on over HERE to Coldwater Creek and check out the Ombre Flip Flops. They are priced at $5.99 + 30% right now in their outlet section.  They come in blue (not shown below), black and pink. 
When you checkout, enter promo code: wzh3848 and an additional 30% will be taken off the total + you will get free shipping! My total with tax and everything was $3.01!!
You are basically getting 60% off the prices which is great.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Don't forget: Triple Coupons start tomorrow @ Harris Teeter @ 7am.  Limit 20 coupons per day per person/address, triple up to .99 face value.  PLEASE do not participate in coupon fraud.  It ruins for all of us!!  BUT...HAPPY TRIPLING!! 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

NEW, CHEAP, AWESOME Recipe...OMGoodness!!

So, I have an E-cookbook on my computer that I have created over the last 8 years or so.  I haven't cooked everything in it yet but it all looks fantastic!  I was cleaning up the folders in the cookbook last night because I'm OCD (it happens) and I came across a recipe that is relatively new to me - within the past 6 months. 
Monkey Bread Minis  If I could find a way to put a spotlight on those 3 words in this post I sure would!  Talk about GOOD and SINFUL!  Wow!  After my hubby ate his first one, he asked where I got them from.  I told him I made them and he was impressed!  Now, I'm a decent cook anyway and Rich LOVES my cooking so that wasn't meant to be a dig at me!  lol  Anyway, I MUST share this recipe with you guys...let me know what you think!  I have included the price breakdown below the recipe.  You're gonna be amazed like I was!!

Remember, He IS ALIVE!  The tomb is empty!!

Praising my Savior,

Monkey Bread Minis


½ cup butter or margarine, melted
½ cup packed brown sugar
¼ cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 cans (7.5 oz each) Pillsbury® refrigerated biscuits
*I added about 1/4 c of chopped pecans*

  • Grease or spray 12 regular-size muffin cups. Mix butter and brown sugar; spoon 1 tablespoon mixture into each muffin cup.  *I added a sprinkle of pecans on top of this - honestly only about 1/2 of a pecan.
  • Mix granulated sugar and cinnamon in 1-gallon bag. Separate dough into 20 biscuits; cut each in 6 pieces. Shake pieces in bag to coat. Place 10 pieces in each muffin cup.
  • Bake at 350°F for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool 1 minute; turn upside down (I didn't do this). Serve warm.**I used my tiny scraper and got every little speck of yummy out of each muffin well.
½ cup butter or margarine, melted - .58  Aldi
½ cup packed brown sugar - .19  Aldi
¼ cup granulated sugar - .15  Aldi
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon - .40  Pamper Chef=the good stuff
2 cans (7.5 oz each) refrigerated biscuits - .60  Aldi
¼ c pecans – free  I had some given to me so I shelled them all and froze them

1.26 TOTAL for ENTIRE recipe
Makes 12
.11 each
Monkey Bread Minis....YUM!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Starbuck's Cake Pops

Starbucks has a new line of petite yummies....and they are YUMMY!  Rosemary and I had to sample the Birthday Cake!  They are $1.50 each or 2 for $2.50.  Online you can order a small pot w/ 6 in it for $30+ !  OUCH!  That started the wheels in my brain turning...we're all in trouble now!

I decided to make my own!  Let's see my cost breakdown...
Cake Mix - .60 coupon and sale
reduced sugar vanilla frosting - I only used half, so .33 clearance @ Big Lots
lollipop sticks $1.50 for the pack
3 eggs - .22
1/4 c oil - .05
vanilla almond bark - used 1/2 package - $1.50
chocolate melting chips - used 1/3 package - sale after a holiday - .42

Made 30 cake pops. 

Entire recipe costs 4.68
That makes each cake pop .16!!  Awesome!!

**side note - we also used sprinkles but i get all sprinkles on clearance for almost nothing so I'm thinking MAYBE .05 for sprinkles in all!

Let me know if you need the recipe!  They were yum!  Kinda like an truffles inside! 

I'm going to pop away now!


Food Lion SCORE!!

Hello, fellow frugal friends!  I had to blog (even though it's 2am) and tell you about an awesome trip to Food Lion!  My niece and I went tonight (or last night, I guess) and here's what I got:

Trip 1
2 - 2 Ltrs of Diet Sundrop
2 - 2 ltrs of Diet Dr. Pepper
20 oz. Diet Mt. Dew
1 box of NY Texas Toast garlic bread
1 Freschetta pizza
Total BEFORE coupons & MVP:  $20.13
Total AFTER coupons & MVP:  $10.34

Trip 2
4 - 2 ltrs Diet Dr. Pepper
18oz. jar of Jiffy PB
4 bananas
Total BEFORE coupons & MVP:  $11.42
Total AFTER coupons & MVP:  $1.12

So, I got $31.55 of groceries for $11.46!!

I SO LOVE a bargain!  

Have you found any good deals lately??  Please share with me!

Your Frugal Partner,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

AWESOME Suave Freebie & 100 recipes for LESS than $1

It has been a long time....

I have missed blogging!  I WILL be getting back into it soon!  For now, check out the 2 links below.  1 is for a FREE FULL SIZE Suave shampoo.  The other is for a site that has 100 recipes for less than $1 to make!  I'll be back to blog more soon!

100 CHEAP Recipes from AllYou

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mini Photo Album FREE!!

Click HERE to get your FREE mini Photo Album!!  Thanks, GoFreebies!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Free Flask w/ initials!  Why do I need a flask, you might ask?  As I FREE gift, I answer!  You can personalize it w/ any initials you'd like!  Just click HERE to sign up!  Limited to those 21 years or older. Once you log in, you'll see the offer on the right hand side of the page.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

FREEBIE: NatureMagix All Purpose Cleaner

"NatureMagiX is 100% GUARANTEED
to outperform ANY OTHER eco-safe cleaner!

- Get a 2-Quart* Sample - A $6.95 Retail Value - FREE - we'll even pay the shipping!"

This one is very easy to claim!!!  Click HERE and follow the directions. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

FREEBIE: Waterproof playing cards!

You can always use a new set of playing cards...and these are waterproof!  How cool?!  We can play cards in the pool!  LOL  Click HERE to get yours!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Joy 's PHILLY Dinnertime Dilemma House Party™

I WAS CHOSEN!!  YEAH!  I originally filled out the form for a free sample!  LOL  Check out my party page HERE.  This way you will understand it better!  All I know is my guests and I receive LOTS of freebies that will be mailed to me before my party!  I am so excited!!

FREE Taco From Taco Bell

Click HERE for a FREE crunchy taco from Taco Bell!


Click HERE to print your FREE milkshake from Checkers!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Go visit RedBox on Facebook by clicking here and send Valentine's to 35 of your friends!  Each includes a free rental code!  The code on my card was BEMINE.

FREE Red Strike & M&M's from Murphy!

Murphy (gas stationed) emailed me a coupons that I are inserted below.  Get on their mailing list!  I get free stuff all the time from them!

Freebie Alert: Photo Prints!

I like to check the info before telling you all about it so after I signed up for my 10 FREE prints from Rite-Aid I was unable to access the exact link again!  I am hoping this link will work for you!  Let me know!  Its through EverSave!

Clicking Away,


Saturday, February 5, 2011


Pyrex is giving away potholders!  I just signed up for mine!  Click Here to get yours!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Get a coupon for a FREE bottle of Coffee-mate creamer when you Like them on Facebook today, February 4th! Click Here to Get it!
Thanks, Faye!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Yummy, Good 4 You, CHEAP Breakfast!

I hate Sunday nights....that means Monday morning is coming up!!  I've had a good weekend celebrating hubby's birthday as well as snuggling w/ my furry babies!  No reality!!

My Sunday night ritual is to sit in front of my Excel spreadsheet and ponder over the food in our house.  From this, I create our weekly meal plan.  I was doing it 2-3 weeks at a time when I first started the Pantry Challenge, but now that I'm having to be creative, a week is all I can do!  I have had to go buy a few things here and there but I have saved AT LEAST 75% of my monthly grocery bill since I've started this!  :)  Awesome!  Oops...ADD moment!

Anyway...most Sundays I make a large pot of my "gourmet" oatmeal.  I wasn't an oatmeal person until the last few years.  I started buying Quaker Instant Raisins and Brown Sugar (or something like that).  At $3 for 8 packets (I think it has 8), I decided I had to do something different!  Now, I LOVE Oatmeal and HUBBY DOES TOO!!!  Wow!!  I also love starting the day w/ something warm on those cold mornings.  Here is my breakdown:

Oatmeal (Aldi) – 2.03 (tax inc) for 42oz. = 30 (1/2c)servings = .07 per serving
Walnuts (Aldi) – 2.34 (tax inc) for 8oz. =  8 (1oz) servings = .29 per serving
Golden raisins (Aldi) – 2.03 (tax inc) for 15oz. = 14 (1oz) servings = .15 per serving
Brown Sugar (Aldi) – 1.32 (tax inc) for 36oz. = 36 (1oz) servings = .03 per serving

My pot of oatmeal:

3c oatmeal - .07 x 6 =.42
2oz walnuts - .29 x 2 = .58
2oz raisins - .15 x 2 = .30
2oz brown sugar - .03 x 2 = .06
Made 6 servings
1 serving =  .22 per serving!!

VERSUS Starbucks @ $2.65 per serving AND theirs is instant…it’s good but mines better!
VERSUS McDonald’s @ $2.15 per serving…I’ve never had it.  I am not a McD’s fan unless it’s their unsweet tea w/ Equal. :)
                                                           My 6 meals of Yumminess
                                                               The finished product!

With Visions of Sugarplums Brown Sugar Dancing in my Head,


Saturday, January 29, 2011


I just got the following for $9!!!

2-$25 gift certificates for Backyard Bistro
1-$10 gift certificate for El Havanero
1-$10 gift certificate for Cleveland Draft House

Yep, you read it correctly: $9  I'm a happy girl right now!

Use coupon code MEAL to get 80% off restaurant gift through January 31.  Make sure to read the fine print such as with the Backyard certificate you must spend $35 to use it...okay!!! 

Debating what to eat first!!!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Free Flu Shot, Anyone?

FREE flu shot at many Harris Teeter stores: The flu shot is $12.95 and you get a coupon for $12.95 to use the next time you shop. This is good at all HT stores in Raleigh that have a pharmacy.   I would also give them a call on the way there to be sure they have someone there qualified to give shots (usual the pharmacist has been trained) as well as be sure they will offer that coupon!  To check stores in your area, go to and find a store!  

Keeping the Bugs Away,

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cheap Mulit-Guitar Stand!! DIY

As many of you know my hubby is a musician.  He only has about 482 maybe I'm exaggerating a little but he has A LOT!  He has a guitar stand that holds 5 but he had outgrown that.  He went searching for multi-guitar stands online but they were right at $100!  He knew I'd have a baby cow so he went searching for a way to cut costs....did I tell ya' I taught him right!?  

He found the instructions on how to create one online using PVC piping.  He made me a list and I went to Lowe's and picked it up because I was off work that day.  You will not believe how little this thing costs!  It would also make a great gift for any friends/family that you have who are musicians.  Check out the break down:

All Piping and fixtures are 3/4 inch in diameter.
1  10 Ft PVC Pipe  $1.68
5  caps  .20 each = $1.00
1  piece (6 ft) insulated pipe wrap  $1.18
14  T's  .29 each = $4.06
6  elbows  .28 each = $1.68
4 oz (smallest you can buy) jar of PVC cement  $3.38 for the jar, he used 1oz = $.95

GRAND TOTAL (tax included because I had to pay it too) $11.29
Estimated Savings = $88.71 = almost 89%

How cool is that?!?!  As I mentioned, this is a GREAT gift idea!  It took hubby about 1 hour to complete it and it looks awesome as you can see below:

If you want to cover the white piping you could always do so with all of the various colors of Duck Tape they have out now.  I suggested the Tie-Dyed one to hubby.  I think that will probably be done later! 

NOW for the PIMPED out Guitar Stand....
We have some kinda black n' white zebra thingie going!  CUTE!!

Until Next Time...Rocking Out w/ Our Cheap Guitar Stand,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

FREEBIE - Candle Holder

Supplies are limited so go now!  Tip:  I get a TON of freebies in the mail so I have created an email addy that I ONLY use for that!  No spam in my "real" email inbox!

Free Candle Holder - Mother and child metal and rattan candleholder. There is no commitment and no charge to receive this item.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Bargain Recipe: Ham & Pasta Skillet...YUMMY & EASY

I sit here and type with a full belly and ponder about how slack I've been when it comes to updates about the Pantry Challenge.  I will hopefully be able to sit down and update tomorrow since it IS the beginning of week 3.  I do apologize!  That thing called work keeps getting in the way!  In the mean time, I have to share a new recipe with you.  That is one part of this challenge that I am DEFINITELY enjoying:  Trying new things.  I love trying new things but hubby is not quite so adventurous.  He has been the past couple days because he wants to eat!  :) 

In my stockpile in the freezer I had 3 packs of sandwich sliced ham.  I had gotten it marked down because the sell by date was 2 days away from the date I bought it.  I paid .49 for a 12oz pack of lean brand at that!  The negative is I should have opened the packages and put 2 pieces on wax paper to separate for sammies.  Since I was so close to the sell by date, I don't dare leave the package in my fridge after defrosting for more than a day.  Rich has already been food poisoned by a ham sammie his sister made for him...years ago, but he won't let her live it down!  Anyway, I needed a recipe that I could chop up the whole pack in.  So, I turned to my friend google.  Those of you who know me well know that I can never make a recipe exactly as directed...that's boring!  So, I'm going to give you my version of the recipe because it was good!  I'm not a huge meat eater and could totally enjoy it without the fact, my dogs ate the ham out of my serving.  Hubby loved it! Oh, by the way, I was in the kitchen from start to finish for 20 minutes (not counting clean-up...hubby does that).

Ham & Pasta Skillet
all measurements are approximate - I don't usually measure - except for the liquids
10oz chopped, cooked ham
1 med onion, chopped (I used red)
3/4 c frozen, green peas
8 oz of cooked pasta (I used penne, org called for egg)
1.5 c fat free half n' half (the original recipe called for light cream)
4 slices (thin) swiss cheese (org. called for .5c cheddar)
3oz cream cheese, cubed
1-2 Tbsp butter
1 tsp dried parsley
fresh cracked black pepper to taste (recipe called for salt but I didn't use any and it was perfect)

In a large skillet on med/high, saute onion in butter until the onion is soft.  Add chopped ham and stir.  Add peas, half n' half, cheeses, parsley, and pepper.  Reduce heat to low/medium and simmer until the sauce has started to thicken (this only took about 5 min).  Stir occasionally so it won't scorch.  Add warm pasta and stir....DONE!!  :)  Whoohoo!  ONE it! 

I had 3 hamburger buns that needed to be used so I put a tiny bit of butter, garlic powder, and italian seasoning on it and stuck it under the broiler.  I took it out when it was almost done and added a little cheese and placed it back in the oven, turned off.  Because the rack is so close to the burner when you're broiling, be sure NOT to catch your mitten on fire when getting the baking sheet out...NOT that I did this or anything.  ;)  And now for the finished product w/ my crappy cell phone...
Don't be jealous of the fine china plates!!  Give this a try and let me know what you think.  It was a winner here!!

Dreading 5:20 am,


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cheap Recipe Alert! Cheesy/Garlic Flatbread

Summer...WHERE ARE YOU?!?!  I miss you, my friend!

Okay, now that I've gotten THAT off my chest...I can continue!

I had to share this cheap recipe real quick with you all.  It's cooking now so pics will be added in a bit!  For those of you who have ever been to KickBack Jack's Restaurant, you will def appreciate this!  One of my BFFs gave me a big bag full of "stuff".  Her dad's friend works at a grocery store and right before the bakery stuff goes out of date, he gives all of it to my friend's dad.  I get to reap the benefits sometimes!  This time she gave me 2 peach pies, a bag of flatbread, a bag of wraps, and pita pockets.  I tossed all of it in the freezer not really knowing exactly what I would do with it yet.  That's when the ghost of Kickback Jack came into my mind!

They make a cheesy flatbread to die for!  It's also CHEAP!  I defrosted the wheat flatbread my friend gave me in the microwave.  I placed it in a single layer on a baking sheet (had to do this in batches) and a spread a little butter on top.  I put it in the oven on 400 for about 5 minutes, took it out and added crushed garlic.  Add some grated cheese...don't be stingy!  Place back in oven and turn oven off.  Let set for 4-5 minutes.  YUM!!
Side note here...If you do not have a Pampered Chef Garlic Press you don't know what you're missing!  You know how cheap I am and I gladly paid my $17 bunches for it.  I know I got my money's worth in the first month of owning it!  You don't have to peel your clove or anything...pop it in the little spot, squeeze handles and you have freshly crushed garlic!

Cost Breakdown:
Flatbreadfree for me!
butter - I buy it from Aldi by the pound.  1 lb = $2.33, 1 stick = .58, 8 Tbsp in a stick = .07 and I probably used 2 Tbsp on all 5 pieces, so .14 butter
cheese - Bought it BOGO so 1.63 for the bag, 2 c in a bag and I used about 1/2 c for all 5 pieces.  .41 cheese
garlic - I buy my garlic at a local produce stand for $1.50 for 5 bulbs. 1 bulb = .30, I used 3 cloves and there are about 10 cloves in a bulb so .09 for garlic.

Cost for 5 large pieces of garlic/cheese bread = .64 which means each piece is a little less than .13.  WELL worth it!!

So, after eating it for the first time I would make a couple of changes for next time.  I would use garlic powder instead of fresh garlic.  The powder can be more evenly distributed.  I think this is the ONLY time you will hear me say powdered over fresh!  The other thing...MORE CHEESE!!  :)  You can never have too much!!

Dreaming of warm, tropical beaches...and cheese bread,


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Beautiful, "Thrifty" Bow

Are y'all thawing out?  I'm not!  It didn't get warn enough here today.  It like I have an ice skating rink around my house and down the street...hence why I've been inside in sleep pants all day!

Before I get into the meat of this post, I gotta fuss!  Did you notice my title of this entry?  Thrifty.  Yeah.  Thrifty = Cheap.  Some people are so offended by the word cheap.  I am NOT one of those people!  As long as I am saving money, who cares?!  Stepping off my soapbox....

Okay....for the REAL reason I posted...I FINALLY took down my tree today.  We have been so busy and I have never left it up this long before BUT it was VERY pretty!  :)  Anyway, my niece was helping me and said, "Aunt Joy, I love the bow and tiara on the top of your tree."  She was amazed when I told her I made it myself....for around $1.10!  She immediately said, "You have to take a pic and put it on your blog!"  I love that girl!

Now, I am NOT a bow a matter of fact, I normally fail miserably when I try.  I went to Dollar General and bought 2 rolls of mostly pink ribbon w/ a little blue trim....sparkly, of course!  It also had flexible wire in it.  They were $1 each.  I figured if I messed the ribbon up or got mad and threw it away, I was only out a couple of bucks.  I left the store having NO CLUE how I was even going to approach this task!

To make a long story short, the only material I purchased was the ribbon to make the bow.  I used one whole roll and make several large loops....think puffy.  I then twisted the middle.  I didn't know if that was going to be strong enough to hold it so I had a moment of genius (Hahahah)...I had just bought a bag of ice from Smithfield's Chicken and BBQ (more on my ice addiction later) and I was about to throw the tie away that kept the bag close.  I used the tie to give the bow some extra insurance and wrapped about a 12 in piece of the second spool of ribbon around the middle for 2 reasons:  To hide the twisty part/bread tie and to keep the bow together.  I left the streamers longer so they could flow down my tree.  Sure beats $20 for a bow!  Grant you, it's not as big or a full or as pretty, but I LIKE it!  :)

If I can do this, anyone can!!  Tell me what you think!  Again, please excuse the cell phone pic.  I will find my digital one day!  I also included a couple of pics of my tree so you could see how it matched.  :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

AWESOME Recipe: Sausage & Stuffing Criss-Cross Pastry

What a cold, yucky day!  Here in NC we have snow and ice...ugh!  I do want to start by remembering my cousin, Annette.  Friends and family said "good bye, for now" to her today.  We will meet again on the other side.

As you know, I've been living off my pantry and fridge/freezer for a little over a week now.  In the process, I have tried to be creative with recipes to use up things I have.  I found a WINNER!  I googled Puff Pastry and was given a sausage recipe.  Oh. My. Gosh!  It made me mad that I had eaten a BIG salad while the pastry thingie was cooking because I only had room for 2-3 bites!  My niece ate a big ole' piece and hubby ate 1.5 pieces and went back for seconds.  It ROCKED!  His words were, "I will definitely be asking for this again."  The best part:  EASY!!

I did make a few substitutions because of what I had on hand so I will tell you within the recipe what they were.  Also, a fresh jalapeno, finely chopped would be bangin' in this!

Sausage & Stuffing Criss-Cross Pastry
1/2 of a 17.3-ounce package Pepperidge Farm® Puff Pastry Sheets (1 sheet), thawed * I used both sheets
2 eggs
1 tablespoon water
1/2 pound bulk pork sausage  * I used 1 roll of Paula Dean Sausage (.99 on sale a while back)
1 cup Pepperidge Farm® Herb Seasoned Stuffing
1 small onion, chopped (about 1/4 cup)  *I had a purple onion, so that's what I used
1 cup chopped mushroom (about 3 ounces)  *did not have so I omitted...don't think it needed it at all!
Heat the oven to 375°F.  Beat 1 egg and water in a small bowl with a fork or whisk.

Mix the sausage, stuffing, remaining egg, onion and mushrooms in a large bowl.

Unfold the pastry sheet on a lightly floured surface.  Cut slits 1-inch apart from the outer edge to the fold mark on each side of the pastry sheet.  Spoon the sausage mixture down the center of the pastry. Starting at one end, fold the pastry strips over the sausage mixture, alternating sides, to cover the sausage mixture. Place the pastry onto a baking sheet.  Brush the pastry with the egg mixture.

Bake for 35 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown and the sausage is cooked through.  Let the pastry cool on the baking sheet on a wire rack for 10 minutes.

**Mine ended up making 2 rolls since I had extra sausage...we ate 1 whole one (3 of us...HUNGRY people) and have a whole one left. I'm one of those weird people who pretty much remembers how much I pay for almost everything.  My husband just asked how much dinner cost...based on what I paid for the ingredients when I purchased them, BOTH rolls came out to be around $3.40.  That is 2 meals for 3 people.  That's .57 per meal per person!  :)  I'll take it!

My husband is emailing me 2 pics that I took from his phone because I have a POC phone!  It takes FOREVER to get then though.  I will add them as soon as I receive them in email.  
Trying to stay warm,

                                                               Sorry for the bad the camera phone!  Not!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

90% OFF!!

Just wanted to remind you the most stores are at 90% off of Christmas stuff right now!  Grant you, it's slim pickins' but you may still find something good!  I'll update later and let you know about my .10-.15 Target deals! 

Candy Bouquet Instructions

Sorry it has taken me so long to get these directions out for the candy bouquet...can you say EXAM WEEK?  Ugh...I thought that actually being the teacher during exam week would be MUCH less stressful...NOT SO MUCH!  I will blog either tonight or in the morning about how we're going on the Pantry Challenge!  :)

Cursing the EOC Exams, 


Candy Bouquet Instructions

Materials Needed:
*6 full size candy bars (or more depending on your container)
*2-3 fun size candy bars or other small candy treats
*bamboo skewers (1 for each piece of candy/candy bar)
*vase or other container that you like or find at a bargain!
*tissue paper-various colors; its very pretty with the shiny cellophane stuff too
*hot glue gun
*glue sticks
*foam block – size depends on your container
*curling ribbon bow or the ribbon to make your own bow

*Hot glue bamboo skewers to the back of your candy by placing a long, thin line of glue wherever you’d like the skewer to go.  Gently lay skewer in hot glue.  I glue mine about 1.5-2 inches from the top of the bar just to give it support.  The small pieces were glued almost to the top of the piece of candy.  After you have the skewer on, take a small (probably 2x2 in) of tissue paper and poke a hole in the middle with your skewer.  Push the paper up to the base of the candy.  Place a VERY small amount of glue on 2-3 places around the candy and secure the tissue paper to it.  You want this to be very free flowing so just kind of scrunch it! 

By the time you have finished gluing your last piece, your first piece will be ready to use! 

*Place the foam block in your container so that it fits snugly.  Mine was very tight and didn’t go all the way to the bottom, so I wrapped the foam with tissue paper before putting it in the clear vase.  I also placed small hard candy pieces in the bottom of the vase that was empty.  If your foam does not fit snugly, simply put a few drops of hot glue on the bottom.

*I started my bouquet by “fanning out” 4 -6 candy bars in the back (think of the flower arrangements you have received).  Gently push the skewers into the foam…don’t push them all the way through.  :)  I ended up breaking off only about 2 inches of the skewer on these because I wanted them tall.  Next, using your other pieces fill in the empty spots, placing shorter ones towards the front. 

*The final step is to hot glue your bow to the front!

The thing I love about this idea is it’s SO easy (even I can do it), it’s cheap, and you can do SO many different things with it.  Whatever is on sale can go in it.  You could make it colored themed such as orange and black for Halloween, etc. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!  It is SO MUCH easier than it sounds!!

The finished product again!